Category: About medical cannabis

Is medical cannabis legal?

Yes. The rescheduling of cannabis under the Misuse of Drugs legislation enables unlicensed cannabis-based products for medicinal use in humans. However, it must not be supplied where a licensed medicinal product can meet the special needs of the patient. Your specialised doctor is responsible for deciding whether it is in your best interests to try Is medical cannabis legal?

Is medical cannabis safe?

Your medicine will be prescribed by a doctor on the Specialist Register of the General Medical Council who will ensure that it is clinically appropriate for you. If you have any questions about the medicine you have been prescribed, please contact us at Newgrove Pharmacy .

I’m a healthcare professional – where can I find more information about medicinal cannabis?

Please take a look at the following links to learn more about medical cannabis/ cannabis-based products for medicinal use in the UK:   England General Medical Council information for doctors on CBPM NHS support for prescribers NICE guide to prescribing CBPM   Wales The Wales Government report on rescheduling of cannabis for medicinal purposes   I’m a healthcare professional – where can I find more information about medicinal cannabis?

Are there any side effects of medical cannabis?

Whilst information on the side effects for medical use of cannabis is limited, known side effects include euphoria, intoxication, dizziness, sleepiness, memory impairment, disorientation, dry mouth and rapid heart rate. This is not a complete list. Please consult your doctor regarding other possible side effects and what measures should be taken if anything unexpected occurs Are there any side effects of medical cannabis?

Can I travel with medical cannabis?

Legislation differs around the world. Please contact the public health department of your destination country to find out what documentation is required for carrying medical cannabis. You should also contact the MHRA and Home Office in the UK to find out what documentation is necessary to take medical cannabis outside of the country.